Friday, December 4, 2009

Translation of Standard Chinese Terms used in Singapore

If you are looking for translation of standard Chinese terms used in Singapore, just access

[Online Dictionary on Standard Chinese Terms] via

The [Online Dictionary] is compiled and published by Lianhe Zaobao's
Translation Standardisation Committee for the Chinese Media, Singapore

The Translation Standardisation Committee for the Chinese Media was set up in 1990 for the purpose of standardising Chinese translations of commonly used terms in the local Chinese media.

In a multi-lingual society of Singapore, where special terms and names of personalities and places come from diverse sources, the need for standardisation cannot be over-emphasised.

The current website features the major works of the Committee, which include the following:
- Singapore government departmental titles and designations;
- Names of companies and organisations;
- Names of personalities and places;
- Names of buildings and housing estates;
- Bilingual computer/financial terms;
- Malaysian/Indonesian names in Chinese.

All the standardised Chinese translations are common names encountered by the journalists in their daily work. They are by no means comprehensive or exhaustive.

However, they are certainly useful reference materials for both journalists and translators. We shall try our best to constantly update and enlarge our collection of standardised Chinese translation of common names on this website.




· 新加坡政府部门职衔
· 公司机构
· 人名
· 地名
· 建筑物及住宅区名称及其他
· 电脑名词
· 财经名词
· 马来/印尼文名称



The above information is extracted from

[Online Dictionary on Standard Chinese Terms]

is arranged systematically by board categories., i.e., Government Departments, Organization, Name of People, Places, & Buildings etc...

Within each category, it is searchable by keywords or phrases in any language.

If you click on the link under any ministry, you will get the following terms in English and Chinese:

Minister of State
Senior Parliamentary Secretary
Permanent Secretary
Deputy Secretary
Quality Service Manager
Minister's Press Secretary

Try it out yourself! I am sure you will be amazed by the comprehensive coverage of this [Online Dictionary on Standard Chinese Terms]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fun way of teaching Chinese

Using fun way of teaching "Designation" in Chinese:

主席 - 主要工作是休息

总裁 - 总是害人无辜被裁

老板 - 老在公司看天花板

经理 - 经常走动找人修理

主管 - 主要任务尽量少管

员工 - 原来只有我在做工

Source: email received from a friend dated 2 Dec 2009