Sunday, September 26, 2010

漢字很可愛: Chinese character is comical and cute

Chinese character can look comical and cute!

Some one sent me this email message and I like to share with all of you!


「晶」對「品」說 :「你們家難道沒有裝修?」

「夫」對「天」說 :「我總算盼到了出頭之日!」

「熊」對「能」說 :「怎麼著窮成這樣啦?四個熊掌全賣了!」

「丙」對「兩」說 :「你家什麼時候多了一個人,結婚了?」

「乒」對「乓」說 :「你我都一樣,一等殘廢軍人。」

「兵」對「丘」說 :「兄弟,踩上地雷了吧,兩腿咋都沒了?」

「王」對「皇」說 :「當皇上有什麽好處?你看,頭髮都白了!」

「口」對「回」說 :「親愛的,都懷孕這麽久了,也不說一聲!」

「也」對「她」說 :「當老闆了?出門還帶秘書!」

「日」對「旦」說 :「你什麼時候學會玩滑板了?」

「果」對「裸」說 :「哥們兒,你穿上衣服還不如不穿!」

「由」對「甲」說 :「你什麼時候學會倒立了?」

「巾」對「币」說 :「戴上博士帽就身價百倍了!」 (「币」是「幣」的簡體 )

「呂」對「昌」說 :「和你相比,我實在家徒四壁!」

「扁」對「匾」說 :「才敗選一次而已,就搞自閉?」


Chinese character can be comical and cute  if you use them creatively!

If you use the above "Plus and Minus" method to teach student how to recognise and write Chinese Characters, it will make their understanding easy and save a lot of memory works!
Try asking students to transfer them to comic or drawing, it will make learning Chinese fun!

Dexterine Ho

Saturday, September 25, 2010

古語新解: Teaching Chinese the uncommon way

Just look at email messages I received from friends and find it interesting to see some new way of applying it in teaching Chinese the uncommon way!

It is interesting to teach Chinese in amusing manner.  Here are some examples: 


Why not let students have the creative way of expressing their ideas and let them compare it with the classical line in the textbook!


If you use logic to analyse it, it could be a good answer!  You can then show the original line and ask them to see the different.



Obviously, the student is using different value system to interpret the old saying, you can use that to lead a discussion on the value system of the current trend and that of 陶淵明.

It is good to learn what is in the mind of the students and see their concern and guide them accordingly.  Financial planning is important too, just let them share their money problems will make learning Chinese closer to daily life.

Teaching Chinese, is not just a job to correct language!


Dexterine Ho