Monday, August 27, 2012

The Story of Chinese Character : 風

"風 is composed of 凡(a sail) and 虫(a creature). 凡 is a tool which can allow human being to manipulate the power of wind.

On the other hand, ancient Chinese believed that some of natural phenomena such as rainbow(虹) or mirage(蜃) were caused by some mythic creatures, so 虫 was used to describe wind. It can also be seen that 風 is the mythic creature which create wind."

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fun with vocabularies: 蜘蛛, 虾, 天平...

1. 蜘蛛 : 能坐享其成靠的就是那张关系网 。

2. 虾 : 大红之日便是大悲之时 。

3. 天平 : 谁给多一点就偏向谁 。

4. 瀑布 : 因居高临下,才口若悬河 。

5. 锯子 : 伶牙利齿,专做离间事 。

6. 气球 : 只要轻轻一吹, 便飘飘然 。

7. 钟表 : 可以回到起点,却已不是昨天 。

8. 核桃 : 没有华丽的外表,却有充实的大脑 。

9. 指南针 ; 思想稳定, 东西再好也不被诱惑 。

10. 花瓶 : 外表再漂亮, 也掩不住内心的空虚 。

11. 树叶 : 得势时趾高气扬,失意时威风扫地 !

Source of information: email from a friend today!