Monday, August 8, 2011

Read Comic and Cartoon in Chinese

If you like to learn Chinese the light-hearted way, try to read comic and cartoon in Chinese.

For online comic and cartoon, Lianhe Zaobao posted current affair and political comic/cartoon by Heng Kim Song and other cartoonists at:

Lianhe Zaobao: 更多时事漫画 >本地漫画:

Lianhe Zaobao首页: 新闻 > 时事漫画:

Sometime, it is not easy to understand the subtle meaning and the satirical expression of the columnist. To read the commentary on the page is a great challenge especially to reader who do not have background knowledge and good commands of Chinese.

Nevertheless, if the interest is aroused, one can always build up their current affair awareness and increase their Chinese vocabulary day by day!

Some of the comic by Heng Kim Song is being translated, yet the original Chinese text is not attached, it is included here for your interest:

For examples:

The Comic News: Editorial Cartoon by Heng Kim Song, Lianhe Zaobao

The Comic News: Editorial Cartoon by Heng Kim Song, Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore on Trouble Spots Cause Concern ... Comic News Service (CNS) August 2007 archive

WittyWorld's Research on Censorship: Singapore

This cartoon by Singapore cartoonist Heng Kim Song pertains to the 1992

Singaporean cartoonist Heng Kim Song in Seoul to share his work. Listed are links to weblogs that reference the Cartoonist

If you like to know more about Heng Kim Song, the cartoonist, read on...

Heng Kim Song is the most celebrated Singaporean cartoonist.

Heng has been a freelance editorial cartoonist since 1984 and has been syndicated internationally since the early 1999s.

His work has appeared in international publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, International Herald Tribune, the now-defunct Asiaweek and the Hongkong-based Yazhou Zhoukan since the early 1990s.

He was the official cartoonist for the 2004 World Economic Forum in Seoul.

From time to time, exhibition of his comic is stage at the Singapore Book Fair!

Dexterine Ho

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